Friday, May 18, 2012

Business are invited!

re: join us for a special webinar on May 23rd

If you or someone you know owns a business... or is a self-employed professional, then you need to make
plans to attend my next webinar with my special guest presenter, Jim Fortin.

If you've been struggling to grow your brick and mortar or online business the right way,,, without becoming pushy or seeming desperate...

If you've been wanting to attract a better kind of prospect...

Or motivate more people to become paying customers...

Then you don't want to miss this special webinar with certified hypnotist, author, corporate trainer, and Neurospersuasion(tm) founder Jim Fortin.

Jim has consistently been one of my most popular webinar presenters attracting well over 2,000 people  in five webinars and getting lots of kudos from attendees.

Many of you have attended these webinars and have told me that the information Jim had genuine value for you and your business.

His fluff-free webinars will give attendees actionable steps to take to ensure that they (1) attract more quality prospects and (2) use the language of persuasion that leads to DECISIONS (and more money!)

If you have been wondering how to achieve a higher rate of conversion, sell more to your existing clients

Then join us on Wed. May 23rd  at NOON Pacific, 2PM Central, or 3PM Eastern and learn some techniques you can use today to light your business on fire!   

Go here now and register:

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