Get it now:
by Tammy de Leeuw
If you're a financial advisor or insurance agent who is looking for a new topic you can use to capture the attention of prospects and clients..
Or, you are a business owner with valuable assets that are in danger of being lost due to lawsuits, divorce proceedings, tax issues, civil asset forfeiture, or bankruptcy...
Then you need to download this free Ebook from asset protection specialist Ryan Fowler.
This book will give you great insights into why everyone who owns anything valuable such as land, a home, cars, collectibles, etc, needs to properly protect those items.
You'll learn how to do this.. and more,.
When you finish reading this book, you'll also want to contact Ryan and set up a time to talk about how you can use asset protecting planning to sell more life insurance or annuity products.
Get the download now and BE SURE to put your correct information so Ryan can set up a free consultation with you.